我们集团组织了 3000 多个全球系列会议 每年在美国、欧洲和美国举办的活动亚洲得到 1000 多个科学协会的支持 并出版了 700+ 开放获取期刊包含超过50000名知名人士、知名科学家担任编委会成员。
开放获取期刊获得更多读者和引用 700 种期刊 和 15,000,000 名读者 每份期刊 获得 25,000 多名读者
Post-Operative Outcome of Achilles Tendon Injury Treated with Knotless Percutaneous Achilles Repair System
Isolated Fracture Dislocation of Navicular Bone: A Case Report
The Avoidance of Soft Tissue Complications Following Treatment of Pott's Fractures with Comminuted Lateral Malleolus in Diabetic Patients through a Minimal Invasive Surgery
Lesser Talked of Factors Influencing Diabetic Foot Care in India
Chondrosarcoma of Second Toe Distal Phalanx-A Case Report
Walking Strategy Abnormalities in Elderly with Diabetic Neuropathy: A Biomechanical Investigation through three Curves Analysis
Clinico-Sonographical Evaluation of Idiopathic Clubfoot and its Correction by Ponseti Method-A Prospective Study
Intra-Articular Calcaneal Fracture in Patient of 11 Years, What Treatment is the Most Adequate?
A New Minimal Invasive Technique in the Treatment of Resistant Plantar Fasciitis by Percutaneous Partial Plantar Fasciotomy, Drilling of the Calcaneus and Resection of Calcaneal Spur
The Overcoming of Calcaneal Fractures Associated with Skin Problems through a Minimally Invasive Surgery by Closed Reduction and Percutaneous K-wires Fixation
The Use of Variable Angle Locking SynthesTM Plates in Foot Reconstructive and Fusion Procedures-A Non-Inventor Centre Report
Stable versus Unstable Grade 2 High Ankle Sprains in Athletes: A Noninvasive Tool to Predict the Need for Surgical Fixation
Effects of Carrying Out a Low-Intensity Isometric Contraction of the Proximal Thigh Muscles on the Electromyographic Activity of the Leg Muscles when Simulating an Ankle Sprain