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Bleaching Edible Oils Using Clay from Kangole, Moroto District, North Eastern Uganda
Brief Determination of Standard Formal Potentials for the Transfers of Several Pairing Anions across the Nitrobenzene/Water Interface by Na(I) Extraction with 18-Crown-6 Ether
Assessing Stability, Durability, and Protein Adsorption Behavior of Hydrophilic Silane Coatings in Glass Microchannels
Removal and Analysis of Mercury (II) From Aqueous Solution by Ionic Liquids
Development and Validation of a GC-MS with SIM Method for the Determination of Trace Levels of Methane Sulfonyl Chloride as an Impurity in Itraconazole API
DPPH Free Radical Scavenging Activity, and their Synthetic, Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Studies of Two [CuII2(thb)] Compounds, (thb = N,N,N´,N´-tetrakis-{3-[(2-hydroxibenzyliden)-amine]propyl}-1,4- butanodiamine)]
Mechanistic Evaluation of Matrix Effect on Three Different Model of Mass Spectrometer by Using a Model Drug
Separation of Phenol-Containing Pyrolysis Products Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Chromatography with Columns Based on Pyridinium Ionic Liquids
A Bioremediation Approach to Mercury Removal in a Shake Flask Culture Using Pseudomonas putida (ATCC 49128)
Potential of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Classification of Different Delignificant Pre-Treatments on Banana Rachis
Validation Study of UPLC Method for Determination of Morphine, Ropivacaïne and Ziconotide in Combination for Intrathecal Analgesia