我们集团组织了 3000 多个全球系列会议 每年在美国、欧洲和美国举办的活动亚洲得到 1000 多个科学协会的支持 并出版了 700+ 开放获取期刊包含超过50000名知名人士、知名科学家担任编委会成员。
开放获取期刊获得更多读者和引用 700 种期刊 和 15,000,000 名读者 每份期刊 获得 25,000 多名读者
Biosecurity and Bioterrorism Safeguarding Humanity
Unraveling the Intriguing World of Biological Agents from Pathogens to Potential Bioweapons
Public Health Approaches to Improve Population Health A Comprehensive Review
Bioterrorism A Comprehensive Review of Threats Preparedness and Mitigation Strategies
Biosecurity and Bioterrorism Safeguarding Humanity in an Age of Uncertainty
Biosafety Measures and Best Practices for Laboratory Containment: A Comprehensive Review
Biological Warfare A Comprehensive Review of Historical Context, Modern Threats and Mitigation Strategies
Biohazards Understanding the Threats and Ensuring Safety
Bioterrorism & Biodefense An Assessment of the Threat Landscape, Preparedness Strategies, and Response Mechanisms
A Review of the Current Status of Anthrax Medical Countermeasures
A Registry Linkage Study Examined the Actual Uptake of the COVID-19 Vaccine among People Who Had Previously Expressed Vaccine Hesitation
Diagnostics of Biological Warfare Agents and Biosafety Issues
Using DNA Synthesis to Create Quick Responses to Emerging and Pandemic Pathogens