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Journal of Dental Pathology and Medicine
Dentists 2020: Role of LSTR in root canal therapy particularly against Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium; Clinical evaluation of in-office tooth bleaching effects on three contemporary composites resin- Aklaqur Ameer, Babylon University, Iraq
Dentists 2020: Rehabilitation of cleft lip and palate patients achieving optimal aesthetics and function- Rakesh Malhotra, Centre for Advanced Dentistry, India
Dentists 2020: Dental enamel defects and other oral manifestations in patients with celiac disease: A Retrospective Case note Audit of VTE Prophylaxis in Maxillofacial Patients - All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
Dentists 2020: Cutting off’ dens invagination as a treatment of dens invaginatus: A Review Article- Yunjung Song, Seoul Nartional University, South Korea
Dental Pathology 2020: Obstructive sleep apnea in children: A Review Article- Dennis Beltagy, Boyadjian Dental Clinic, Argentina
Dental Pathology 2020: Dental implant success and failure: Dental ergonomics and magnification: A Review Article- G Gayda Kilistoff, King Faisal Specialist Research Center, UAE