国际标准期刊号: 2165-7904



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体积 4, 问题 2 (2014)


A 12-Week Low-Calorie Diet plus Behavioral Modification Acutely Improves Glycemic Parameters in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

  • Bobbie G Paull Forney, Justin B Moore, Frank Dong, Elizabeth Ablah and James L Early


A Physician-Directed Commercial Low Calorie Diet with Intensive Behavioral Modification Decreases Metabolic Syndrome and Medication Use

  • Bobbie G Paull-Forney, Frank Dong, Justin B Moore, Jeanene J Fogli, Linda D Gotthelf, James L Early, Elizabeth Ablah


Physical Activity Patterns in Mexican School-Aged Children

  • Frania Pfeffer, Marcela Perez-Rodriguez, Elí Gámez, Alvar Loria, Claudia I Hernández, Norma A Vega, Gerardo García, Elizabeth Tejero M and Jeanette Pardío


Beneficial Bacteria Stimulate Youthful Thyroid Gland Activity

  • Bernard J Varian, Theofilos Poutahidis, Tatiana Levkovich, Yassin M Ibrahim, Jessica R Lakritz, Antonis Chatzigiagkos, Abigail Scherer-Hoock, Eric J Alm and Susan E Erdman


Using Process Control to Measure Pediatric Obesity

  • Lisaann S Gittner, Ludington-Hoe and Haller


Ghrelin Plasma Levels and Gastric Tissues Expression in Patients Submitted to Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy as Primary or Revisional Weight Loss Procedure

  • Claudio Di Cristofano, Caterina Chiappetta, Francesco De Angelis, Natale Porta, Jessica Cacciotti, Eugenio Lendaro, Vincenzo Petrozza, Carlo Della Rocca and Gianfranco Silecchia


How Adolescents and Parents Food Shopping Patterns and Social Interaction when Shopping is Associated with Dietary Outcomes in Rural Communities

  • Alison Gustafson, Qishan Wu, Colleen Spees, Nicolle Putnam, Ingrid Adams, Danielle Harp, Heather Bush, and Chris Taylor