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体积 2, 问题 1 (2018)


Geniculate Ganglion Tumor Manifesting as Insidious Peripheral Facial Nerve Palsy

  • Fernandes EP, Brooks JBB, Prosdócimi FC, Oliveira RA, Silveira GL and Neto MR


Superficial Siderosis of the Central Nervous System: A Case Report

  • Brooks JBB1, Prosdócimi FC, Oliveira CLS, Harding J, Araújo MG, Dal Maso GG, Santos JC, Vancini ESB, Belini AM and Almeida PN


Progressive Fulminant Demyelinating Neuropathy Associated with Paranodal Antibodies

  • Tiwana HK, Bandyopadhyay S, Kaur D, Specht CS and Ahmed A


Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia, Deficiency and High Dose Administration of Vitamin D in Pediatric-Age Multiple Sclerosis: A Pediatric Case Report and Review of the Literature

  • Genç Sel C, Altıaylık Ozer P, Savaş Erdeve S, Aksoy E, Dedeoğlu O,and Oğuz KK


Serotonin Syndrome during Switching of Combined Antidepressant Treatment: A Case Report

  • Huiyao Wang, Qian Xia, Jiang Long, Cancan Liu, Xia Qian, Wanjun Guo, Weihong Kuang, Tao Li and Xue Wang


Lithium Toxicity Misdiagnosed and treated as Parkinson’s disease

  • Aikoye SA, Parashar SD, Mann GS and Tinklepaugh N