国际标准期刊号: 2277-1891



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3.Contravention Behind Of Fake Movement In Favor Of Prospective Verification

Prof. D. S. Jadhav

This article, strength of character acquires the useful give the impression of being at Computer Forensics. It will converse the blow Computer Forensics have on the permissible facet of today’s misdeed. It will try to demonstrate the importance of computer forensics by unfolding dealings, tackle and differentiation in utilize for individual, small organizations & large organizations. The actions express compact with how to collect evidence and the laws that need to be followed for admission of evidence into a court room. The tools used are the basis for all tools that are available. A digital evidence bag is used to store information from a variety of function [1]. It explains how digital evidence is collected, handled, preserved, and analysed. that the responsibility for the success of an organization lies squarely on the operating managers. Managers on their part depend on the financial information provided by the accountants within and outside the organizations to successfully perform their primary functions. However, the rate of failure of government organization has often been linked to wrong policy decisions which often are caused by inaccurate financial statements. Deductively therefore, one can say that the use of professional ethics in accounting practices plays an invaluable role in effective and efficient financial management in the public.