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A brief Review of Rosuvastatin Pharmacokinetics

Chang Fang

Rosuvastatin is a hepato-specific statin of restricted water solvency and unfortunate oral bioavailability. The goal of this work was to create freeze-dried orodispersible pullulan-based tablets with rosuvastatin and flexible lipidbased nanoparticles (transfersomes) to improve the bioavailability and hypolipidemic activity of the drug. Pullulanbased freeze-dried orodispersible tablets were made from drug-loaded transfersomes that had been prepared, characterized, and loaded. Lipid-based nanoparticles (NPs) certainly stand out in drug conveyance. These NPs have been read up for their vehicle of hydrophobic and hydrophilic atoms. They have showed exceptionally low or no harmfulness and a drawn out season of medication discharge because of the expansion in half-life. Phospholipid and non-phospholipid nanocarriers are two types of lipid-based nanoparticles. Liposomes, transfersomes, ethosomes, and trans-ethosomes are examples of the former, while dendrimers, niosomes, nano-emulsions, polymeric micelles, solid lipid NPs, and nanostructured lipid carriers are examples of the latter. Phospholipids, with or without some additives, are the components of liposomes, which are bilayer colloidal vesicles. The aqueous core of a liposome is surrounded by one or more phospholipid layers. The size of liposomes is typically going from 10 nm to a few micrometers. Cholesterol can be added to control the rate of drug release, stabilize the vesicle membrane, and make the membrane more rigid. The smaller size, biocompatibility, biodegradability, low toxicity, immunogenicity, sustained drug release action, and limited drug side effects of liposomes make them a promising drug delivery system.