国际标准期刊号: 2329-6879



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A Case Study: Pneumonia

Muhammad Zeeshan Zafar

Pneumonia (from the Greek pneuma, “breath”) is a potentially fatal infection and inflammation of the lower respiratory tract (i.e., bronchioles and alveoli) usually caused by inhaled bacteria and viruses has both properties (Streptococcus pneumoniae, aka pneumococcus). The illness is frequently characterized by high fever, shortness of breath, rapid breathing, sharp chest pain, and a productive cough with thick phlegm. Pneumonia that develops outside the hospital setting is commonly referred to as community-acquired pneumonia. Pneumonia that develops 48 hours or later after admission to the hospital is known as nosocomial or hospital acquired pneumonia. In this case report we review the presentation and management of pneumonia involving the respiratory system. The aim of this report is to alert the clinicians to the potential diagnosis of pneumonia treatment. This is the case report of 3 months old boy with Pneumonia. He was diagnosed with pneumonia. His treatment was starting and after 7 days, he became completely recovered. For his disease diagnosis different tests are also performed.

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