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A Critical Assessment of Biomimetic Building Envelopes: Moving from Nature to Architecture

Bharat Chakraborty

The building envelope is critical in regulating energy exchanges between the internal and external environments. Several studies on technological solutions for responsive and intelligent envelopes have been conducted in recent years. The goal of this paper is to look into climate-adaptive building envelopes and related biomimetic solutions, as well as provide a critical review of the current state of the art. Various adaptive envelope examples are analysed and compared to biomimetic envelope examples. This paper demonstrates the potential of nature's vast database to provide solutions that can be implemented in architecture to achieve sustainable, energy-efficient, and adaptable design solutions. Following an initial critical examination of nature's adaptation strategies, a methodological approach has been developed. Beginning with the definition of the context and the relative abiotic factors, the bio-AM identifies the critical phases for transferring plant functions to building technologies, employing adaptive materials capable of self-activation in response to environmental factors, potentially emulating plant adaptation in technological solutions for the future of sustainable buildings.

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