国际标准期刊号: ISSN 2472-016X



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A Dumbbell-Shaped Extradural Intracanal Cavernous Hemangioma: A Rare Case Report and Review of Literature

Erfan sheikhbahaei and Ali andalib

Cavernous hemangiomas, first described by Globus in 1929, are one of the uncommon vascular malformations of central nervous system. They seemed to have benign vascular structure with dilated vessel bed. Cavernous hemangiomas encompass nearly ‘five’–12% of all spinal vascular malformations; however, existence in the epidural space without bone involvement is rare. Only ‘four’% of all cavernous hemangiomas are merely epidural cavernous hemangiomas. In this case report, we removed a hemorrhagic thoracic mass by T3-T5 laminectomy presenting with neurological deficits mimicking symptoms of intervertebral disk herniation in a 33-year-old male patient who came to our Clinic. We have chosen this case to be reported due to its rare characteristics and occurrence of this type of cavernous hemangioma in the world.

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