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A Favorable Response of Dysplastic Barrett’s Refractory to Ablation Therapy Only after Initiation of an Alginate Solution as Add-on Therapy

Mark M Brodie, Puja S Elias*, Mohamed Khalaf and Donald O Castell

Alginates have been shown not only to be beneficial in their relief of symptomatic post-prandial gastroesophageal reflux, but there is also evidence that they may inhibit reflux, including bile acids and pepsin, and in turn attenuate and even prevent the activation and up-regulation of molecules associated with the development of metaplasia and cancer of the esophagus. Here we present the case of a patient with Barrett's esophagus with high-grade dysplasia (HGD) which was initially unresponsive to endoscopic radiofrequency ablation therapy and cryotherapy for highgrade dysplasia. Following initiation of therapy with an alginate solution in addition to twice daily proton pump inhibitor (PPI) therapy, the patient showed a favorable response and eventual complete eradication of his dysplastic Barrett's. The patient's course is suggestive that the alginate solution, through reflux inhibition, prevented persistent esophageal cell changes which occur secondary to gastric and bile acid exposure, thus allowing development of neosquamous epithelium. This case is intriguing with regard to the role of alginates in creating a favorable environment for esophageal healing when treating Barrett's esophagus with high-grade dysplasia.

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