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Due to its large population, India generates 62 million tonnes of municipal solid garbage annually, of which 9000 tonnes are sanitary wastes like pads and diapers. Nonetheless, accumulating evidence has shown that there are problems with sanitary waste that have adverse effects on public hygiene. We have created a detailed picture of the negative consequences caused by volatile organic chemicals like dioxins that emerge from garbage, including immunological toxicity, endocrine impacts and tumour promotion. Additionally, environmentally friendly methods, such as the use of clay based incinerators to stop the spread of harmful gases and the substitution of synthetic sanitary products made of plastic with natural alternatives for the nation’s most important citizen’s women and children as well as their potential use in creating a circular economy. In In this graphical summary, we explain how India, led by green chemistry, changed history by bringing science out of the lab and into everyday life and by creating a green, educated and healthy society.