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A Short Review on Care for the Dying: A Needed Conceptual Shift

Aderinto Nicholas

Palliative care aims to relieve carers of the responsibility of providing physical, psychological, and even spiritual care. Lack of healthcare infrastructure and resources to handle an ageing population is one of the most pervasive problems facing this type of care. A change in system management is required as a result of the load this ageing population is putting on the healthcare system. The Multi-Agent System (MAS) might be the solution to this problem. Programmers developed this type of computerised networking system to gather pertinent patient health data and enable the system to collaborate with other agents to determine the best course of action for disease management. A better synergetic mesh can also enable a multidisciplinary healthcare team to provide accurate and current information that will help them to formulate more educated plans of action for their patients. MASs could provide high-quality care and meet the expectations of a growing chronic illness population in the US, signalling a significant paradigm shift. The ageing population and its contributing variables, palliative care and the need for a multi-agent system, and clinical issues using examples from healthcare systems both within and outside of the United States will all be examined in this paper

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