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A Systematic Review Procedure on Home Palliative Cancer Care by Primary Healthcare

Eren Kuan

In order to maintain the viability of health systems and improve life quality, chronic illnesses like cancer and longer life expectancies necessitate (re)organization of care. Positive effects of palliative care provided by primary healthcare include improved standards of care for the terminally ill, decreased hospitalisations and medical expenses, and increased autonomy for patients to manage their symptoms at home. This is not feasible in many nations, though, since the provision of palliative cancer treatment is isolated or widespread, centralised in hospitals, and devoid of the strategic involvement of primary care. Home care has improved people's chances of obtaining dignified care towards the end of life in many affluent nations when palliative care is provided in an integrated manner. The purpose of this analysis is to assess how primary care has structured home palliative cancer treatment to better utilise healthcare resources and enhance patient quality of life. The Cochrane technique is used in this systematic review procedure to generate a narrative synthesis, and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews serve as a guide for the final report.

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