国际标准期刊号: ISSN 2472-0518



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Acoustic Logging Methods in Fractured and Porous Formations

Sudad H Al*

Formation fractures have significance importance in the rocks permeability of oil and gas reservoirs. In real conditions, the opening of vertical fractures exceeds the opening of horizontal fractures and the permeability of reservoirs in conditions of horizontal wells is higher than in vertical conditions. For the sonic log longitudinal waves, unlike the transverse waves, the attenuation rate strongly depends on the wave path direction. It is shown that the mechanism of attenuation of sound waves in porous rocks is represented by the scattering of “soft” microheterogeneous inclusions. For reservoir rocks with a porosity coefficient (φ) of (10-20)%, the attenuation decrement is several times higher than the decrement of the other mechanisms.

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