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Actuality of Studying the Heritage of Scientists of the East and Values in Modern Civilization

Mukhitdinova Firyuza Abdurashidovna

Aim of inquiry: To investigate political-legal viewpoints on state, law and state administration in the doctrines of Eastern Renaissance Epoch: Farabi, Biruni, Avicenna.

The article examines the life and scientific heritage of the scientists of the East as Biruni, which contains many ideas about the ideal state, about justice. In his works “Chronology”, “India”, “Geodesy” the scientist repeatedly mentions the scientific rigor and accuracy of information. The author analyzed the significance of the works of Biruni who attached such issues as honor and dignity, friendship and partnership, kindness, justice and conscience. The scientific school of Biruni had a great influence on the development of science and enlightenment of the medieval East. Many of them, including legal policies, retain their importance in the modern world.

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