国际标准期刊号: 2155-952X



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Advanced novel flow cytometry applications

Oscar Fornas

Over time, flow cytometry has undergone a constant transformation. Current equipment is capable to detect more than 30 parameters simultaneously from each studied particle in suspension. The analysis can be performed at high speed, reaching up to 30,000 particles per second, in some cases even more. Consequently, flow cytometry is currently one of the most powerful technology for cell analysis. Within conventional applications, the one that has evolved most in recent years is the immunophenotyping. Currently, highdimensional flow cytometry analysis allows as to address multiparametric cell-analysis to elucidate most complex phenotypes.
On the other hand, lots of efforts are focused to develop new flow cytometry strategies and applications to address any biological question. We are currently focused on developing strategies that allow us to exceed the theoretical resolution limit of existing equipment. Recently, we have developed strategies to detect single Nano-sized particles (such as viruses, extracellular vesicles or chromosomes) of interest to the scientific community. Our new applications allow us to: 1- Identify virus at single-particle level and isolate them individually to study / discover new existing viruses and thus elucidate the global viriosphere, as part of the study of the global microbiome. 2- Identify and isolate EVs from different origins in the search for new biomarkers associated with pathologies of interest. 3- Finally, we have adapted the sorting of chromosomes to their subsequent sequencing without amplification to give light to some "dark zones" of known genomes that to date have low resolution in sequencing .

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