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Advancement of Professionals and Young People's Psychological Well-Being

Andrew Joanne

Living in Spain with Perinatal Acquired HIV Infection (PHIV) and to explore treatment differences in mental disorders. Our goal is also to analyze possible associations between MH problems and psychosocial risk factors (PSRF) and to identify priorities for management. We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study including all cases of PHIV follow-up in a referral hospital in Madrid. The study included patients followed in a pediatric outpatient clinic and adolescents who had been transferred from an orphanage to an adult facility since 1997 of the 72 followup patients, 43 (59.7%) had already been transferred to an adult hospital. The mean age of patients was 25 years (IQR 18-29) and 54.2% were female. Developed problems with MH, but only 17 (56.7%) of him were referred to a psychiatric ward for evaluation, and 17 were diagnosed with MH. He was only 9 years old (30%). PSRF was common (32% of participants had at least one PSRF) and was associated with MH problems and adherence problems (all p< 0.05). Interdisciplinary approaches to address the psychological and social determinants of health are urgently needed, especially during critical stages of life development such as adolescence.

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