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Agri Summit 2020- Drought manifested by Climate Change is expanding Poverty in South African region

Joneboina Eswar kumar & Kachireddy Venkata Nageswara Reddy  

Sustaining of life is mostly relying on availability of food (reserves) near living zones at globally. Recent consequences of local weather conditions are tumbling Production of agricultural crops or food reserves. This is because of, uncertainty in temperature and environmental conditions. Global climate is changing excessively, influence the affect on agriculture and food supply chain in many other ways in many countries and lead to poverty and socioeconomic conditions. All climate reports predicting a rising trend of temperature will continue year by year and excess chemical intensity limits in grains, which further severely brunt the health conditions of children, women and old age groups. By 2100, a rise of 1.8 to 4oC is expected severe impact of droughts and floods occur and reverse the ecological system, effects on human health, economic growth and inequality of life systems. Past many years South Africa facing adverse impacts of climate change patterns on their agricultural lands and farmers as usual to block their ways of employment and wealth of their life. Crop failures, Productivity, Food insecurity, Famine, Loss of property and Life, Migration, and reversing economic growth with unethical climate change. This paper dignifies the climate change patterns and influences on the agriculture and poverty around South Africa for achieving their “Sustainable development Goals (SDGs).

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