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Agri Summit 2020- Pesticidal Properties of Selected Invasive Alien Plants in Sri Lanka against Fungi and Insects of Economic Importance in Agriculture

Aishani Samarasinghe

The gradual decline in availability of rennet excretion of calf rennet destined for the cheese industry, and the increase in protein requirements in the diet have led to a strong demand for cheese products (ROTONEL et, EQUI, l972). . This situation has led many researchers to take an interest in new sources of coagulating enzymes, in particular plant enzymes (BARBOSA et al., 1976). In this study, the coagulant activity of the enzymatic extract of the artichoke, a rennet substitute, was highlighted by the development of a traditional cheese. Enzymatic extraction by maceration (NOUANI et al., 2009) from artichoke waste (hay and stems) was performed. In order to study the coagulating activity of artichoke stems and hays, several concentrations of Enzymatic extracts were tested taking into consideration the clotting time. The effect of temperature (0 ° C., 50 °, 60 ° C. and 100 ° C.) as well as the drying mode on the coagulant power was studied for the active enzymatic fraction. The latter has been used for the development of a traditional cheese. The yield of the latter has been measured.

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