国际标准期刊号: 2155-952X



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Air quality status in central shah alam, Malaysia using lichens as Bio-Indicator

Asmida Ismail

Bio-monitoring technique using lichens are frequently used for bio-monitoring of air pollution due to their ability to absorb toxic materials in their
thallus. A study in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia was conducted to assess the air pollution level according to Lichen Biodiversity Index (LBI). This
study aimed to determine the effect of motor vehicle on the LBI value and species composition; to identify the most tolerant and the most sensitive
lichen species in the study area. A total of 52 sampling stations in central Shah Alam were studied where 12 stations showed high alteration of
air, nine stations showed moderate alteration of air, 18 stations showed low alteration of air but with low naturality, 12 stations showed moderate
naturality of air and one stations showed high naturality of air. According to LBI standard, this study area is considered polluted since 40.38% of the
study area showed condition above moderate pollution level (low alteration/low naturality) while only 25% of the study area showed condition below
moderate pollution level. Regression analysis showed a strong negative linear relationship between LBI value and frequency of motor vehicles (R2
= 0.902) which denoted that air pollution caused by motor vehicles negatively affected LBI value and the species composition of lichen in this area.
Thirteen species of lichen were recorded with Pyxine cocoes was identified as the most tolerant lichen species while Parmotrema praesorediosum
was identified as the most sensitive lichen. This study has proven that lichen is suitable to be used as bio-monitoring tool for air pollution and air
quality assessment.

免责声明: 此摘要通过人工智能工具翻译,尚未经过审核或验证。