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Altered Postural Sway and Fear of Fall in Patients Suffering from Non-specific Low Back Pain

Sadhana Verma and Ajay Bharti

Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine whether balance response of low back pain patients is different from healthy controls under various up right standing conditions, and also to find out whether body sway is related to the fear of fall in low back pain individuals.

Method: A sample of 130 subjects was taken in the study through convenient sampling. The postural sway of the subjects was analyzed by using a Sway meter and Fear of Fall was calculated by using a Fall Efficacy Scale.

Result: The results show that greater sway occurs in the patients suffering with Low Back Pain than compared to healthy control group, and FES value and TSOFEC value are correlated to each other (r value=0.23).

Conclusion: Thus the study concludes that patients with low back pain exhibit greater postural sway than healthy controls and the decreased postural stability in people with low back pain is correlated with fear of fall when extra stress has been laid on the balancing system.

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