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Amyloid Goiter Complicated with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Literature Review

Toru Shizuma

Amyloid goiter (AG) is an uncommon complication of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Here a literature review of cases of AG developed as a complication in IBD patients was conducted. Among 13 reviewed cases (12 of Crohn’s disease and one of ulcerative colitis), AG was diagnosed between the ages of 26 and 58 years. Among these cases, thyroid function was investigated in 12, of which eight showed thyroid function within the normal range, three demonstrated hypothyroidism, and one showed subclinical hypothyroidism. There were no obvious correlations between the development of AG and activity or flare up of IBD. Six of the thirteen cases were complicated with renal failure or nephrotic syndrome due to renal amyloidosis, and one death occurred because of renal failure associated with renal amyloidosis. However, the number of reported concomitant cases of AG and IBD is limited. It may be necessary to accumulate data regarding such concomitant cases to understand these conditions.