国际标准期刊号: 2168-9806



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An Overview of the Sustainable Production of Vanadium through Metallurgical Recycling Of Slags

Jae-Chun Lee

The vital uses of vanadium in metallurgy and the expansion of vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB) as a commercial product have raised demand for vanadium. Thus, it is crucial to guarantee the long-term viability of vanadium production [1-15]. The main source of vanadium production is from solid byproducts of iron and steel manufacturing, or vanadium bearing slags, which account for more than 69 percent of all vanadium in terms of raw material types. Such metallurgical procedures for treating the The vital uses of vanadium in metallurgy and the expansion of vanadium redox flow batteries (VRFB) as a commercial product have raised demand for vanadium. Thus, it is crucial to guarantee the long-term viability of vanadium production. The main source of vanadium production is from solid byproducts of iron and steel manufacturing, or vanadium bearing slagshave been developed as a result of academic studies and engineering investigations. This article provides an in-depth analysis of metallurgical processes used on slags containing vanadium. Vanadium-bearing slags from various sources are described in terms of their composition, phases, and minerals. A survey of the literature reveals that the roasting-assisted leaching approach has traditionally been used to handle vanadium-bearing slags, despite current efforts to integrate cuttingedge technology in extractive metallurgy and create direct leaching techniques. Some attractive and worthwhile approaches are anticipated to constitute the area's future research priorities. The separation of vanadium from silica, phosphorus, and chromium is also highlighted in the discussion as the main interfering elements/metals in the leach solutions of vanadium slags. It is advised that additional research be conducted in the future to create a sustainable metallurgical method for vanadium-bearing slag.

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