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Application of Chitosan in Plant Growth

Yahya Faqir*

Chitosan has a wide range of sources, is safe and non-toxic, and increasingly used in agriculture, and is a natural polysaccharide that is commonly produced by chitin deacetylation, which is the structural component in see crustaceans, which is helpful for the growth of the plant. In the present review, it was briefly described that chitosan was used in different agriculture sectors, and it’s an extensive application to promote plant growth. The chitosan was applied as a fertilizer (controlled-release fertilizer, liquid fertilizer, fertilizer, and micronutrient delivery). It had a significant response supportive role for the plant growth. Besides, chitosan was used as a pesticide (Insecticide, against viruses, antimicrobial, herbicide delivery) and also observed the role of chitosan in plant defense. It was observed that chitosan had played a significant responsibility to control different pests. However, it was utilized as plant resistant material (induction of plant resistance by chitosan, the role of chitosan improving in the plant, defense-related enzymes, and plant disease resistant, electrophysiological modification induced by chitosan) and it was observed that chitosan was had a great response to improving the plant's growth by resistance against pests. Our whole review showed that chitosan had positive impacts on the plant's growth, and it had a great response to the reduction of pests and reduce the effects of diseases and give the resistance to plants against these and chitosan is an environment-friendly.

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