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Approaches for Enhancing Sustainable Fish Production among Farmers in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

Brown TJ, Agbulu ON and Amonjenu A*

This study determined approaches for enhancing sustainable fish production in Bayelsa state, Nigeria. Three objectives guided the study while three research questions were answered and three null hypotheses were tested at 0.05-level of significance. The study adopted survey research design using a target population of 401 made up of 377 fish farmers and 24 extension agents. A sample size of 220 respondents (196 fish farmers and all the 24 extension agents) was drawn using multistage sampling technique. A 32-item structured questionnaire titled ’Farmer’s Sustainable Fish Production Enhancement Approaches Questionnaire (FSFPEAQ) with rating scales of 4 (strongly agreed), 3 (agreed), 2 (disagreed) and 1 (strongly disagreed) was developed by the researcher. The instrument was both content and face validated by experts. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.794 using Cronbach alpha. Data were collected and analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions and t-test statistics to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the study revealed that there are three breeds of fish reared by farmers, three methods were used extensively by fish farmers for sustainable fish production and twelve approaches were adopted by fish farmers for enhancing sustainable fish production in Bayelsa state. The study further revealed that there was no statistical significant difference between the mean ratings of responses of fish farmers and extension agents on: the breeds of fish reared by fish farmers, methods used by fish farmers for sustainable fish production and approaches adopted by fish farmers for enhancing sustainable fish production in Bayelsa state. It was recommended amongst others that Stake holders should provide enabling environment for experts to package sustainable approaches into training programmes for farmers through Agricultural workshops and seminars.

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