国际标准期刊号: 2161-0681



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Assessment of Hematological and Biochemical Markers in the Early post-Burn Period for Predicting Recovery and Mortality in Animals with Burn Injuries

Atef Mohammed Khalil1, Obeid Mahmoud shanab, Gian Franco Zannoni and Eisa Mohamed Hegazy

Here we investigate hematological and biochemical alterations in the burn animals. The values of these parameters are very important in allowing the veterinarians to know how the animal body is responding to the different therapies that being provided? And this will help the veterinary medical staff for proper management with less morbidity and mortality. Three burned animals were admitted to the University's Veterinary Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, South Valley University. They were suffering from second to third degree burn injury. Blood samples were collected after 48 h post burn for hematological and biochemical analyses. For the hematological parameters, RBCs count, hemoglobin (Hb) concentration, packed cell volume (PCV%) and platelets count exhibited significant decreases in burnt animals in comparison to healthy control animals. Burns also induced increases in WBCs count, MCV and MCH in comparison to the controls. For the differential leukocytic count, lymphocytosis and neutrophilia were recorded in burned animals. For biochemical parameters, liver enzymes activities as well as serum creatinine and urea were significantly increased when compared with the control animals. The total serum protein and albumin of burn animals revealed significant decrease. The serum electrolytes, serum sodium showed a significant decrease while serum potassium showed significant increase.

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