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Behavior Assessment using Frankl Rating Scale and Identification of Personality in Pediatric Dental Operatory

Bhanu Lakhani, Indushekar KR, Shalini Garg, Nayanika Singh and Ekta Tomer

Aim: To establish a correlation between the personality type (using Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)) and cooperation in dental operatory (using Frankl Behaviour Rating) of 7-12 year old children. Materials and

Method: A qualitative double blind study was planned that collected data from 150 children in the age range of 7-12 years accompanied by parents. The parents were provided with MBTI questionnaire for children while they were in the waiting area and the behaviour of the child is assessed by experienced staff and rated according to Frankl’s Behaviour Rating Scale. The data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis.

Results and Discussion: Positive Frankl Rating was associated with ITP (Introverted Thinkers)=ISJ (Introverted Sensing) (88%)>IFP (Introverted Feelers) (78%)>EFJ (Extroverted Feelers) (74%). Negative Frankl Rating was associated with ENP (Extroverted Intuition) (39%)>ETJ (Extroverted Thinkers) (35%)>INJ 9Introverted Intuition) (33%)>EFJ (Extroverted Feelers) (28%). Introverts with thinking or perceiving personality type children presented higher levels of cooperation as compared to Extroverts, with intuitive or judging personality traits, however, no significant correlation could be established between the two (p=0.406).

Conclusion: Behaviour management techniques could be modified according to personality type of a child. However, further studies need to be undertaken to establish a correlation between the personality type and cooperation of the child in dental operatory.

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