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Benefits of Implementing Health Insurance Policy in Developing Countries for a Better Palliative Care

Kingsley Akarowhe

Palliative care is an effective health approach in any given nation that pave way for a better health care system and more of patient cantered. In other words, palliative care is a care program that is geared towards increasing aggregate wellbeing of patient through an oriented approach to patient’s ailment. In recent times, developing countries have not been able to achieve this, due to limited driven research findings by researchers, scholars, and health care practitioners. It is in consonance with the forgoing that this paper deems it to fit to investigate the benefits of implementing health insurance policy as the tangible means for an effective and better palliative care in developing countries, through the proactive role to be played by care managers. The benefits farfetched in this miniresearch were parity in service delivery, reduction in financial impediment to care service, improved health/medical sector, increase health awareness, and patient health centered palliative care system. It was recommended that collaboration among stakeholders in the health care subsector/health sector will help in the actualization of effective and efficient implementation process.

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