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Frohlich Nicholas
The presence of bacterial biofilm in the waterlines of dental units (DUWLs) is a widespread issue that can significantly increase the risk of infection for dental staff and patients. The present study examines the efficacy of a nanoemulsion disinfectant containing cetylpyridinium chloride in reducing bacterial loads as well as the level and composition of bacterial contamination of dental chair syringe waterlines. Colonies were significantly reduced in waterline biofilms that were subjected to the nanoemulsion for one hour, six hours, twelve hours, twenty-four hours, forty-eight hours, and seventy-two hours, respectively. After twelve hours and twenty-four hours, very low counts were observed. There were no or few visible colonies after exposures. The nanoemulsion utilized further develops adequacy against microorganisms more than unemulsified parts. The waterline biofilm’s organisms, as determined by DNA sequencing, are primarily of soil or water origin. According to the findings, nanoemulsion consistently meets the American Dental Association (ADA) recommendation for disinfecting waterlines.