国际标准期刊号: 2155-952X



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Biomaterials: Revolutionizing Medicine and Beyond

Jitti Roy

Biomaterials have emerged as a transformative force in modern medicine and various fields beyond healthcare.
This abstract provides an overview of the significant impact of biomaterials on revolutionizing medical treatments,
as well as their applications in diverse domains. Biomaterials are materials engineered to interact with biological
systems, and they have played a pivotal role in advancing medical practices. In medicine, they have revolutionized
the treatment of various health conditions by offering innovative solutions for tissue repair, drug delivery, and medical
device development. The properties of biomaterials can be tailored to mimic natural tissues, enabling the replacement
or regeneration of damaged or lost body parts. From biocompatible materials for orthopedic implants to bioactive
scaffolds for tissue engineering, biomaterials have transformed the field of regenerative medicine. As research in
biomaterials continues to evolve, their impact on medicine and beyond is expected to grow, driving innovation and
addressing some of the most pressing challenges in today's world.

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