国际标准期刊号: E-2314-7326



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Brain Networks of Nervous System Rehabilitation

Mario Mappanyuki

The paper summaries physiologic measures of output versus waste/getting more with less waste to provide reason for moving away from a medical model of healing/repairing using a binary creation of damage/weakness and moving towards a linear model of optimization and human measures of output versus waste/getting more with less waste. While the medicine-based and neuropathological process of figuring out the worth, amount, or quality of something of nerve-based agreement where everyone meets in the middle has usually/in the past focused one's effort/increased/mainly studied upon the focal distribution of brain disease, ignored have been the changes in the complex connections linking brain areas extremely important for thinking and improved as much as possible human performance. The paper reviews the nature of nervous system flexibility/low quality, from a systems standpoint using language development and ability to speak two languages as well as music and the brain as examples of much-improved network functioning. Stroke has long been thought of as focal disease with surrounded damage leading to nerve-based shortages. However, advances in methods for testing/evaluating the human brain and in statistics have enabled new tools for the examination of the results of stroke on brain structure and function. By that/in that way, it has become obvious that stroke has hit/effect on the whole brain and its network properties and can therefore be thought about/believed as a network disease. The present review first gives a summary of current methodological opportunities and hidden traps for testing/evaluating stroke-caused changes and reorganization in the human brain. We then summarize ways of thinking/basic truths/rules of flexibility/low quality after stroke that have come out from the test/evaluation of networks. By that/in that way, it is shown that nerve-based shortages do not only arise from focal tissue damage but also from local and remote changes in white-matter areas of land and in nerve-related/brain-related interactions among wide-spread networks.

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