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Can a New Synergistic Proposal Involving Photobiomodulation and Myofascial Release Accelerate the Evolution of Adhesive Capsulitis and Tendinopathies?

Ana Carolina Negraes Canelada, Vitor Hugo Panhoca, Fernanda Mansano Carbinatto, Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato, Antonio Eduardo De Aquino Junior

The composition of the shoulder, in its complexity, supports bones, muscles and ligaments, both inside and outside the joint capsule, and its range of motion promotes a large number of pathologies, among which are tendinopathy and adhesive capsulitis, conditions that cause pain, inflammation and restriction of movement. Physiotherapy, as a nonpharmacological treatment choice, aims to improve pain control and the inflammatory response. Among the resources used are myofascial release and photobiomodulation. The combined use of these resources was used in injuries, by promoting the overlap of the areas of action of the two resources. The study selected 18 patients with adhesive capsulitis and 18 patients with tendinopathy, aged between 30 and 70 years and randomly divided into 3 subgroups of 6 patients,who underwent myofascial release, photobiomodulation intervention and myofascial release + photobiomodulation.There were 10 treatment sessions with equipment that promotes myofascial release and photobiomodulation with 660nm laser, 30 min each session. As a form of evaluation, goniometry, the visual analogue scale, and the Arm,Shoulder and Hand Dysfunction Questionnaire were used. Significant improvements were observed in the use of the ombined action of myofascial release and photobiomodulation for both pathologies. Thus, the use of this innovative quipment that combines hotobiomodulation and myofascial release, results in a faster therapeutic response for the treatment of various pathologies in the shoulder, returning total or partial mobility of the limb in a reduced treatment time,directly reflecting on the quality of lives.