国际标准期刊号: 2161-0460



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Can the Associated Use of Negative Pressure and Laser Therapy Be A New and Efficient Treatment for Parkinson's Pain? A Comparative Study

Patrícia Eriko Tamae, Adriana Vital Dos Santos, Michelle Luise de Souza Simão, Ana Carolina Negraes Canelada, Kely Regina Zampieri, Tânia Vital Dos Santos, Antonio Eduardo de Aquino Junior and Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato

Parkinson's disease is a chronic, progressive, neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system, being the second most frequent movement disorder, affecting about 1% to 3% of the population aged over 60 years. Parkinson´s disease is characterized by three basic symptoms: Tremor, stiffness and bradykinesia. This study promotes the analysis of the combination of Laser Therapy with Vacuum Therapy which creates adequate conditions for a synergic effect of both together. 18 patients were selected, subjects with idiopathic Parkinson's Disease, diagnosed by a neurologist, of both genders, aged between 30 and 80 years, who use drugs to control Parkinson's disease and were classified according to reports of muscle pain and stiffness. The patients were divided into 3 groups (n=6): Experimental group (GE, n=6), control group 1 (GC1, n=6) and control group 2 (GC2, n=6). The analyses were realized in relation to visual analogue scale and quality of life. The results found point to a better effect for quality of life and pain through the synergistic action of therapies (Group Experimental). In conclusion, it is possible to affirm that the synergy of therapies (Laser and Vacuum Therapy) can improve the quality of life of the patient affected by Parkinson's disease.

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