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Case series: Camel Gastrointestinal Parasite in Hargeisa, Somaliland

Hamze Suleiman H Nour

The camels are mainly distributed in the Africa and Asia, and raised arid, semi-arid and desert area of the both continents. Camels also called ship of desert and them high tolerance of heat and hungry, the camels provide valuable thing such as meat, milk and transportation that contribute income and economy of these continent and country also in many livelihoods. The gastrointestinal parasite that affected in camel and calves, so the parasite has high morbidity but there is low mortality, the gastrointestinal parasite contains trematode, cestode and nematodes. The methods used of this parasite to examine the parasitological examination such as floatation and sedimentation methods they produced positive for Coccidiosis, Toxocariasis and Schistosomiasis, also temperature of the Camels assessed was found 37oC, 37oC, in less than one minute. Also, blood parameter assesses such as blood count and the result were one the camels are anemic while the other nearly normally there is no indication about anemic. The animal recommends for deworming for anthelminthic.