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Celecoxib 2% Cream in Acute Soft Tissue Injuries: Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial

Villegas-Rivera Geannyne, Covarrubias-Pinedo Amador, Romero-Medina Silvia, Solorza-Camacho Karim Saul, Alatorre-Carranza María del Pilar, Rodríguez-Herrera Lourdes Yolotzin, Jaime Islas-Nilssa Graciela, Galaviz-Muro Adriana

Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the efficacy of pain reduction and tolerability of topical administration of Celecoxib 2% cream compared to Celecoxib 1% cream and placebo cream in Mexican patients who had acute soft tissue injury in lower limbs.
Methods: A randomized, double-blind, placebo control trial with 3 parallel groups was conducted. We include Mexicans patients older than 18 years with diagnosis of acute soft tissue injury in lower limbs. They were randomly assigned to Celecoxib 2% cream (CEL-2), Celecoxib 1% cream (CEL-1) or placebo cream (PLA). All treatments should be applied 3 times a day for a period of 7 days. Every day the pain was assessed with a Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Secondary, we evaluate inflammation and adverse events.
Results: A total of 95 patients were included. VAS on day 1 and 7 in group CEL-2 were 57.41 ± 10.39 mm and 4.34 ± 7.02 mm, in CEL-1 59.38 ± 9.37 mm and 10.41 ± 12.78 mm, and in PLA 55.61 ± 8.09 mm and 9.32 ± 9.93 mm. CEL-2 showed greater pain decrease compared to CEL-1 and PLA, p<0.05. CEL-1 group significantly decreased inflammation more than PLA, p<0.05. 15 adverse events were reported in 9 patients, none was severe.
Conclusion: The results shown in the present study demonstrate that topical administration of Celecoxib cream 2%, TID for 7 days was effective in pain relief in patients with acute soft tissue injury.

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