国际标准期刊号: 2155-952X



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Chemical Synthesis, Characterization and Bioactivity Evaluation of Hydroxyapatite Prepared from Garden snail (Helix aspersa)

Anjuvan Singh and K. M. Purohit

Early years, bio-nano-composites materials are interesting in advanced engineering applications fields. In order to, biological properties of the 10Ce-TZP/Al2O3 nano-composite was evaluated by the addition of HA nanopowder for medical applications. In this research, a bio-nano-composite consisting of CeO2- stabilized zirconia (Ce-TZP), Al2O3 and Hydroxyapatite (HA) powders proposed to use for medical application .The first step, nano-powders of Ce-TZP and Al2O3, were blended by fast milling machine. Then, nano-powder of HA was added to the alumina - zirconia (ZA) mixture from 10 to 40 vol%, and homogenized again. In final step, mixed powder was cold pressed and sintered at1600°C for 120 min. Crystal phase of the sintered samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),the density and bending strength were measured and cellular response test was performed with osteoblastic cell-lines by MG63 cell-lines and the morphology of the proliferated cells was observed with FESEM too. From the strength and cellular response evaluations of samples, specimens with 30 vol% HA showed the best result, also XRD patterns confirmed this results.

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