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Cholera Outbreaks and Treatment Management: An Optimal Control Study

Rossi Durrleman

This comprehensive review delves into the multifaceted realm of optimal control theory as applied to the management of cholera transmission, a persistent global public health challenge. Cholera, driven by the Vibrio cholera bacterium and closely linked to inadequate sanitation and contaminated water sources, disproportionately affects impoverished communities. Mathematical models, including compartmental models, have been instrumental in understanding cholera dynamics. In recent years, optimal control methods have gained prominence, offering a systematic approach to allocate resources and interventions effectively, striking a balance between transmission control and cost minimization. This review explores the application of optimal control strategies, from resource allocation and vaccination campaigns to sanitation and treatment interventions. It also addresses challenges and future directions, emphasizing the importance of data precision and real-time monitoring. The review underscores the significance of mathematical models and optimal control in informing public health policies aimed at mitigating cholera transmission and ultimately improving global health outcomes.

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