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Common Bean Intercropped with Maize on Economic Advantages of the Cropping System at Gimbo and Guraferda, Southwestern Ethiopia

Merkine Mogiso, Nibras Nazib

A field experiment was conducted at Gimbo and Guraferda during 2017 and 2018 cropping seasons with the objective to determine the appropriate intercropping row arrangement on maize-common bean yield and economic advantages of the cropping system. Maize variety BH-540 and common bean variety Awassa dume were used as planting material. The experiment used four treatments arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments used were as follows: Sole maize, sole common bean, 1:1 maize-common bean and 1:2 maize-common bean intercropping. The combined mean grain yield of maize and common bean was significantly (p<0.05) higher for sole stands than intercropping. The grain yields of the component crops were significantly varied by locations. When comparing the yield performance of the component crops across locations, the higher maize yield was recorded at Guraferda than Gimbo but in contrast common bean yielded better at Guraferda as compared to Gimbo. The higher yield of 6545.7 kg ha-1 and 5570.6 kg ha-1 was obtained from sole maize at Guraferda and Gimbo locations, respectively. The yield obtained from 1:1 maize-common bean intercropping was statistically same with sole maize yield at Guraferda. On the other hand, the higher yield of 3407.2 kg and 2638.0 kg ha-1 was obtained from growing sole common bean at Gimbo and Guraferda locations, respectively. Land equivalent ratio and monitory advantage index was also made to determine the advantage and economic benefit of the cropping system. Based on this 1:1 maize-common bean intercropping gave the higher LER of 1.62 and 1.52 with MAI of 15,268.05 and 13,695. 90 ETB ha-1 at Guraferda and Gimbo locations, respectively. Overall, growing 1:1 maize-common bean intercropping found to be more productive and economically profitable than others. Hence, it can be suggested to use for production in the lowlands of Gimbo and Guraferda areas.

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