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Elsayed MSA , Elkerdasy AF, Akeila MA and Elsayed AA
Pathogenic mycobacteria are notorious for infections in animals and human their diagnosis hampered by atypical types. Animal products consumption is responsible for majority of diseased cases worldwide. Comparison between diagnostic tests appears to be lacking in Egypt. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate diagnostic values of Flow-cytometry, Immuno-chromatography, Low-cost Density Microarray (LCD) array, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) and multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Comparative Intradermal Tuberculin Test result was 1.31%. M. bovis and M. kansasii were high from animal samples while, M. chelonae and M. malmoense from human samples using LCD array, HPLC and multiplex PCR confirmation. Serological tests estimated with differences regarded to different antigens. Chembio DPP VetTB Assay gave the highest sensitivity result 94.8% while, TB-ST (Tuberkulose Schnell test) test kit showed the lowest 82%. Flow-cytometry, CD2, CD4, CD8 and δγ WC1+ cells were high in tuberculin-positive cases and low in negative proving pathogenic mycobacterial infections of tuberculin-positive cases. (LCD) array, (HPLC) and multiplex (PCR) proved sensitive discriminatory methods while; serologic assays and flow-cytometry represent rapid diagnostic tools. Further investigations required to improve the sensitivity and specificity of these tests. These results elucidate the importance of different diagnostic tests and considered backbone for future researches.