国际标准期刊号: 1522-4821



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Comparison of Public And Private Hospitals in Respect to Workplace Violence in Emergency Department

Ali Kemal Erenler, Anil Yalcin, Metehan Yilman, Murat Guzel, Ahmet Baydin

Background: Violent acts directed toward staff at work is described as Work Place Violence (WPV). Emergency Department (ED) is one of the most common places where WPV occur. Because it is usually underreported, true incidence of WPV is not known. In this study, we aimed to clarify the incidence, type and psychological effects of WPV in the ED. Methods: A survey of 11 questions derived from Employee Risk Assessment Questionnaire Workplace Violence and Workplace Violence Survey by Ontario Safety Association for Community and Healthcare was applied to voluntary ED staff of 4 private and 3 public hospitals in the city. A total of 241 persons answered the survey. Results: Verbal assault is the most common type of WPV. Practitioners are the leading group being exposed to WPV. Specialists in the ED have the lowest incidence of WPV exposure. The most common source of violence was found to be patients and/or their relatives. It was also determined that majority of the cases were underreported. Although workers in private and public hospital workers have the similar assault incidence, those working in private hospitals feel themselves safer. Conclusion: Removal of relatives of the patients from the inside of the ED may help prevent WPV in the ED. The ED staff must be encouraged to report assaults aiming them. Besides, some safety measures must be taken by governments to eliminate insecure feelings of ED workers, particularly in public hospitals.

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