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Concomitant Effects of Fish Processing Plant and Optimal Safety Measures Taken by Workers

Syeda Rimsha Azher, Madiha Fatima, Um-Ul-Wara, Anmol Mohan, Muhammad Taha Arshad Shaikh, Uzzam Ahmed Khawaja

The industry involved in fish processing contributes chiefly to the Food and Agriculture sector by producing a variety of different products from fresh or frozen fishes that are then exploited in food, fertilizer, and industrial feedstock. These fish processing plants also require handful influx of labour to increase their product quantity over a short period of time. Despite huge impact on the industry these plants have affected the workers by begetting fatal and non-fatal occupational health hazards mainly due to awkward posture, repetitive motions, carrying, bending etc affecting musculoskeletal system and other soft tissues of the body. This paper highlights work related risks, negligence and the possible considerations that can be made for their prevention.

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