国际标准期刊号: 2168-9806



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Corrosion Protection of Transport Vehicles by Nanocoating of Decahydrobenzo[8]annulene-5,10-dihyrazone in Corrosive Environments and Weather Change

Singh RK*

Transport industries use epoxy-coating for corrosion protection of stainless steel but this coating cannot provide protection in long duration in H2O, O2 (moist), CO2 and SO2 environment and weather change. Pollutants can create acidic medium for epoxy-coated stainless steel. These corrosive agents penetrate epoxy-coating by osmosis or diffusion process produce and produce chemical and corrosion reactions with base metal. These reactions enhance internal and external corrosion and accelerate internal disbonding in epoxy-coating and disintegrate base metal. This coating does not protect themselves and base metal. These pollutants and weather change elevate galvanic, pitting, stress, crevice, intergranular, blistering and embrittlemint corrosion whereas epoxy polymer exhibits swelling and dissolving corrosion. Pollutants and weather change can alter their physical, chemical and mechanical properties and tarnish their facial appearance. They can also change morphology epoxy-coated stainless steel. Corrosion mitigation of epoxy-coated stainless steel in ambient of H2O, O2(moist), CO2 and SO2 and weather change used Nano coating and filler technology. For this work decahydrobenzo[8]annulene-5,10-dihydrazone and SiC used as Nano coating and filler materials. Nano coating and filling work were completed by nozzle spray The corrosion rate of epoxy-coated stainless steel coupons was determined at 278, 283, 288, 293 and 2980K temperatures and times mentioned at these temperatures was 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h in different weather without coating and with Nano coating of decahydrobenzo[8]annulene-5,10-dihydrazone and SiC filler by help of weight loss experiment. Corrosion potential and corrosion current were determined by potentiostat. Coating efficiency and surface coverage area were calculated by gravimetric methods. The surface composite barrier formation was studied by activation energy, heat of adsorption, free energy, entropy and enthalpy.

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