国际标准期刊号: 2471-9846



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COVID-19 Wave II: Adversely affects all the Body Systems

Vivek Kumar Tiwari

As the world experienced worst scenario due to pandemic covid-19, each and every person affected badly due to enormous reasons. Phase-II or wave II of Covid-19 came more powerful in potential mutated form with different types of symptoms which was not experienced in first wave affecting nearly all the eleven systems of the body, it might be senses like pink eye, rashes on skin, Gastro intestinal upset, severe joint paints, muscular pains, fatigue by little physical activities, depressive type of mood, tingling headache and body pains to name few. Black, white fungus Mucor mycosis made more fear among persons suffered with Covid-19 as they are on steroid treatment it was one of the worst symptoms faced by the people due to less immune response. Each and every one should be aware of the precautions to be followed to protect ourselves from such harmful and dangerous diseases as it can ruin our body system completely.

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