国际标准期刊号: 2161-0681



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Craniopharyngioma and Oil Machinery Fluid: Review

Martha L Tena-Suck and Andrea Yosajany Morales del Angel

Craniopharyngiomas are non-glial epithelial tumors arising from the sellar/suprasellar region. They account for less to 4% of all intracranial neoplasms and for 5-10% of intracranial tumours in children. Are considered as benign tumors however, despite having a benign histologic appearance can turn to, invade, spread and have malignant transformation. Are tumors that may have a variety of histological findings, including; ghost cells, dystrophic calcifications, wet keratins, granulomas and cleft cholesterol, digitiform invasion, reticulum stellate hyper density or hipercellularity, whorl-like arrays formations etc. Little is known about these latest findings but studies have shown that this in association with β-catenin mutation. Too little is known about the oil machinery fluid of the cyst content. In this review we bet on the oil machinery fluid, to cause damage to brain tissue who for various unknown mechanism it is breaking the cyst wall or goes out the content towards the outside and in this process and output of neoplastic cells are implanted and may be the cause of recurrence, dissemination and cell growth. This theory could be very controversial and contradictory to what was written, described by the great master of neuropathology. However only intend to express a theory based on observation of some cases, which considered that many studies must confirm this one further studies are needed.

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