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Crop Response to Different Mulch Type and Furrow Irrigation Methods in Major Irrigated Areas of Ethiopia: A Review

Gebeyehu Tegenu

The paper was focused on reviewing of different documents and research findings from studies conducted on interaction effect of different mulch type and furrow irrigation methods on different crop types on major irrigated area of the country. The coverage of the research findings conducted on mulch type and furrow irrigation method was between 2010 and 2021. Approaches followed on reviewing the papers on different mulch type and furrow irrigation methods were through reviewing journals from websites and research output reports. On this paper review, achievements of different mulch type for different furrow irrigation under diverse agro-ecologies are highlighted based on the current knowledge from available sources. Based on different findings the use of plastic mulch type was best option for both crop yield increment and soil moisture conservation. So in current research findings in order to use mulch for crop production purpose was best practice method due to year to year climate change and drought occurrences key solutions to avoid crop yield collapse and failure.

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