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Crops Production and Factors Limiting the Yield

Werkissa Yali, Temesgen Begna

Crop production supplies food for humans, animal fodder and fabric for clothing. Crop production concepts include the production of food crops, fodder crops, fiber crops, sugar, oil seeds and other crops. Improving food security requires a thorough grasp of the dynamics involved in food production. Crop production is a difficult task. It has been proven that increasing crop yields reduces poverty dramatically. Several factors influence yield or the amount of harvested crop product in a given area. These factors are divided into three categories: Technological (agricultural methods, managerial decisions), biological (diseases, insects, pests and weeds) and environmental (diseases, insects, pests and weeds) (climatic condition, soil fertility, topography, water quality, etc). These variables account for yield disparities between regions around the world. The current review will go over each of these three main factors and offer some suggestions for dealing with them. It will also emphasize the relevance of climate smart agriculture in increasing agricultural yields while also facilitating crop production in a safe environment. This aligns with the United Nations' 2030 agenda for sustainable development's second aim of ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture in transforming our planet. Many beneficial characteristics have been included and hybrids generated by breeders and biotechnologists.

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