国际标准期刊号: 1522-4821



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  • 出版医学


Current Knowledge about Violence against Healthcare Workers

Seyyed Abdollah Madani and Seyyed Abbas Hashemi

The nurses' occupational experiences of violence set forth the reflection of their feelings and attitude toward themselves, the patient and how to take care of them. The aim of this study is to explain the nurses' experiences of violence in the therapeutic sections especially psychiatry. The results revealed that the violence is often exerted by the patients due to ectopic demands and the nature of their ailment. Nurses reported verbal violence more than the non-verbal one. In most of the cases, the nurses' first reaction, attempting to calm down the patient by talking to him/her, doesn't work and it often leads to fixing cases. The other results are deduced in four main concepts including the lack of adequate protection of the personnel, poor risk management, the outcomes of violence and humanitarian tendencies. Reinforcement of the management approaches in regular meetings, dealing with the inefficiencies, encouraging the staff, in-service training with an emphasis on the models pragmatically (by displaying) and the follow-up reports of the violent events are noticed with the most proper planning and organization.