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Deconstruction of landscape bridges based on various temporal-spatial scales: Inconsistency and consistency

Christopher Mark

This study explores the essential problems bearing on a landscape bridge supported a multi-scale methodology, in sight of the scarcity of style theories for modern landscape bridges. We tend to contribute to reinterpret landscape bridges on their physical temporal-spatial scales, rather than from views of individual disciplines or their mechanical cooperation. Envisaged in a very new systematised framework, we tend to elaborate the dominant and their opposite counterparts of landscape bridges from a binary philosophical doctrine purpose of read, Development and retrogression on the temporal scale association and separation on the spacial topographical scale, skyphilia and topophilia on the spacial landscape scale, and extraversion and introversion on the spacial branch of knowledge scale. The deconstructed multifarious scales square measure instrumental in understanding landscape bridges from numerous views, with a pyramid model projected afterwards to mediate the discovered oppositions and stimulate the cross-scale interactions. Numerous potential style ways may well be derived from this well-organized and broadminded multiple systems, which is at the start expected during this study to inspire bridge designers with dissimilar backgrounds and involves a wider ramification.

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